Wellness Resources
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The 988 Lifeline is a vital resource that offers 24/7, free, and confidential support to distressed individuals. It serves as a lifeline for those in need, providing a safe space to seek help and solace. Additionally, the 988 Lifeline offers a wide range of prevention and crisis resources, ensuring people can access the support they require during challenging times.
If you are in crisis, please call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.
Employee Assistance Program – Resources for Living
Talkspace, and MyStrength Programs
786-466-8377 or go to resourcesforliving.com
For access to the following resources, please click here to log in.
- Onsite counseling is available upon request through one-on-one sessions or group therapy. Text on your own time through Talkspace and receive personalized chat therapy.
- Live or pre-recorded virtual workshops on-demand cover topics such as mindfulness, coping with personal loss, coping with anxiety, stress management, and more.
- MyStrength is an online and mobile tool offering customized resources. Members can improve their emotional health, enjoy interactive activities, and become inspired by quotes and videos.
- Employees have access to five sessions each calendar year.
Start Your Tava Health journey today and take advantage of this free employee mental health benefit. You can participate in the “Start-Up Top” Challenge to support you in accomplishing a specific goal or get a fresh perspective; working consistently with a caring and unbiased professional can help you get your mind right.
The “Start- Up Top” Challenge encourages you to schedule four sessions with a Tava therapist and set mental health goals. For more information, email [email protected].
Please visit www.tavahealth.com and use your Jackson email to access to sessions. For assistance, contact [email protected]
Jackson Housestaff Behavioral Health Counseling
Psychology and psychiatry resources – click here for more information.
Family-Building Benefit Management – click here for more information.
Annual Wellness Visit
You are encouraged to have an annual wellness visit with a healthcare provider each fiscal year, which ends September 30. If you do not complete your check-up and submit a completed provider verification form by September 30 each fiscal year, you will have a surcharge of $50 per pay period beginning in January of the following calendar year, along with your insurance premium. The provider verification form can be found and submitted on Infor Employee Self-Service under the “Wellness” section and “Annual Wellness Visit.” Click here and sign in using your Jackson credentials to access a video with instructions on submitting your wellness form.
- Wellness visits are 100 percent covered when using Jackson’s health plans at any location.
- For additional information regarding your annual wellness visit, email the Health and Wellness Department at [email protected].
Avmed WellFluent Living Program
- Online wellness portal powered by HealthyRoads offers online classes, resources, and self-management tools.
- Active and Fit program offers discounted fitness program memberships with access to more than 11,000 fitness centers.
- Weight Watchers program
- Live cooking classes on the AvMed Facebook page every Tuesday and Thursday.
- Click here for more information or contact [email protected]
UHealth Fitness and Wellness Center Discount
The UHealth Fitness and Wellness Center is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of the community. The 60,000-square-foot health facility provides top-level exercise equipment, group fitness classes, health and wellness programs, and more to ensure you can achieve your fitness goals and live a healthier lifestyle.
The UHealth Fitness and Wellness Center, located adjacent to Jackson Memorial Medical Center at 1120 N.W. 14th St., offers all Jackson employees discounted membership rates. Offerings include group fitness classes, personal training, and additional wellness services. For more information about membership and questions about services offered, please call 305-243-7662 or email [email protected].
Child Care
Jackson realizes the importance of having nearby childcare available for house staff and other employees, and is committed to offering a range of affordable childcare options. For information regarding childcare discounts, please click here.
Sign up for the Headspace app for FREE!
All Jackson employees now have free premium access to the Headspace application. Once you enroll with your Jackson email address, you’ll tap into more than 1,000 hours of content designed to help you manage anxiety, get more restful sleep, exercise mindfully, remain focused, and more. Headspace also has kid-friendly content for those interested in having their younger loved ones participate with them.
For more information on how to enroll, click here.
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Physician Well-Being
The ACGME is committed to exploring causes of burnout and sharing strategies for physician well-being. The ACGME’s focus on physician well-being has expanded in recent years to integrate well-being into its work in all dimensions—within the organization and through partnerships in the medical community—with the ultimate goal of reducing burnout, addressing well-being, and helping physicians rediscover joy and meaning in work.
Click here for more information.
Kula for Karma
Monthly virtual yoga is available the third Wednesday of every month. Click here to register.
Weekly virtual meditation is available at on Thursdays. Click here to register.
For more information, contact [email protected].
Monthly Wellness Wednesday Massages
Rotational in-unit chair massages are offered the third Wednesday of every month. To schedule your unit contact [email protected].
Wellness Clinic
The Employee Health Clinic will cater to all employees’ healthcare needs while at work, and support healthy behaviors.
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Jackson Medical East Towers 1103
Contact: 305- 585-WELL(9355)
The program’s goal is to educate those under Jackson’s Select and POS health plans about the price differentials for common healthcare services in their areas. Then provide them with the tools to quickly and easily shop services based on price, quality, and location. Contact: 1-800-824-9127 or visit AvMed.VitalsSmartShopper.com
Virtual visits anywhere, anytime. Telehealth is available. Members under Jackson’s health plans can speak with a doctor about non-emergency medical issues by phone at 1-888-834-1532 or by secure video using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, for only a $10 copay. To register call 1-888-834-1532 or download the “MDLIVE” smartphone and tablet app using employee code “AvMed.”
Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)
CHIP is a free employee healthy lifestyle course meant to help participants decrease their risk of disease and improve their quality of life. For more information on how to sign up for the next cohort, please contact [email protected]
Wheel of Wellness
This program is an annual, voluntary wellness program designed to motivate you to maintain and improve your well-being by offering a cash incentive for the completion of eligible activities. Employees enrolled in any of the Jackson insurance plans are eligible to participate. For more information, contact Employee Benefits at [email protected]
For more benefits, please visit JacksonBenefits.org